Saturday, 28 August 2010

Week 2

Life has been busy here in the Big Mother House this week!
We've had a lovely visit from Nanny and Grandad from Norfolk. We've been to our first Naming Ceremony for cousins Eleanor and Isobel (now 6 months), where Grace got the chance to meet the extended family. Grace has had a cuddle with Grandma Mary and Great Grandma Fran.
AND we even found time to visit MPS to say hi, and see how they're getting on without me. (Fine, I might add!)
To boot I have been to the doctors not once, but 3 times for 3 different things, all of which are draining me. Matt the Husband has been fabulous and has even worked out how to use the oven for the first time since we moved in. God love him.

Story time with Nanny and Grandad

We've re-integrated Daisy-woof to the house (and she is now sleeping on the landing which is a HUGE step for her... and me!) She was rewarded by an energetic spin around Temple Newsam this morning to mark her grown-up-ness. (Our next step is to move her into her own bedroom, but we haven't told her that yet... baby steps and all).

D-W chuffed to be home (albeit on lead)

Milestones this week for the nipper:
1) Grace's cord fell off
2) Grace can lift her head up when she's laying on her belly, and turn it the other way (although this bit was only once!)
3) She has outgrown her first outfit
4) She has regained her birth weight, and is now back up to her 9lb 5oz
5) Grace has opened her first fixed-term savings bond and has earned 11p interest on it already!

Grace fretting over margins and KPI's at MPS

Other things to note - I'm pro breastfeeding, but for a plethora of reasons we're now on formula. This is galling, and comes laced with guilt on my part too. Nevertheless, Grace seems happier on the artificial feed, and as a consequence Mum is happier. (Or it might be vice versa, but I've not the energy to get into the chicken and the egg debate now). On making the decision, an interesting article I found can be read at:

Only a few pics on here, so by all means click on the link to our flickr page in the sidebar to see more photos from week 2!

TTFN x x

Saturday, 21 August 2010

A favourite photo

5 DAYS OLD. Grace looking so very cute with her bubble blanket courtesy of MPS staff.

Week One

My word what a week! I don't know whether to laugh or cry (and that's when things are going well)... our entry into parenthood has been the shock that everyone told us it would be, and more still. Grace is a delight to have around and each day we are learning to read her signals for what she wants us to do for her. At first glance, I don't think we are doing too badly.


Week One in the Big Mother House [cue Geordie voiceover here]

After the events of the birth last Saturday we were moved to the post-natal ward where I have to say we received exceptional care. Being bed-bound until Monday night for various reasons I was at their mercy and apart from a portion of luke warm mushy peas and a battered fish that looked to have been truncheoned to death, I felt I had the support I needed at such an overwhelming time. Little Grace passed all her newborn tests with flying colours although she does have a heart murmur which we are awaiting a cardiology appointment to have assessed for hole in the heart. Nonetheless she is feeding well and seems to be adjusting to life on the outside without too much trouble.



We were finally discharged Tuesday night, and Grace had her first visit from Grandma Mary, from here on in to be known as Ma Potter (for many reasons, as well as being quicker to type). We also introduced Daisy-woof to the little nipper briefly before sending D-W off to Grandmas for some 1 on 1 cuddles, leaving us to get through our first night as new parents. It wasn't so bad, we got 5 hours sleep all in, and compared to what I'd had in hospital, left me feeling human again.

FIRST DAY HOME, looking happy but oh so tired!

Since then we've had a few good nights, and a few less so. One thing I find really interesting with Grace is that she doesn't really cry very much at all. We've already become quite tuned into her signals for hungry and we're learning to distinguish between hungry and overtired, and I think because of this we've been able to preempt a fair few bouts of crying before they've taken hold. When she's awake, she's quite taken with her little black & white soft book which we prop up for her after a nappy change, maybe only for 10 minutes, but it seems to amuse her enough for her then to nod off without much effort.

Other visitors this week have been Donna, who as a breast feeding counsellor came to coach me on the art of BF, and then Sheli and Junior (who came to coach Matt the Husband on the art of drinking not 1 but 2 beers without getting leathered). BF is actually really hard - it hurts like hell, a toe-curling sensation that sometime subsides if Grace is in the right place, and other times continues until I move her slightly. While I have no intention of giving up on the 'TWINS' providing nourishment for my child, I daresay its currently my least favourite activity thus far. Last night Sheli and Junior provided a much needed respite from the seriousness of this first week, having us rolling with laughter as J told us anecdotes from his lifesaving repertoire.

Hm, the seriousness. That'd be Thursday night when we took Grace on her first outing since leaving the hospital. It also marked a first for me, feeding outside the confines of my house (which takes nerves for a first timer, believe me!). One conjures pictures of a trip to a country park, or quiet pub. Not the A&E department in Pontefract :0(
Without going into all the details, we had an epiosode of dyspnoea around 8pm Thursday followed by open mouth breathing for a further hour. Grace seemed fine but the paediatric unit advised we take her into be checked hence a twilight trip to A&E. Long story short they think its a one off, but she did undergo a myriad of tests in the meantime, including placement of a naso-gastric tube to check for patency/mucus build up, chest x-rays, bloods and an ECG. We were discharged after 18 hours to come back and resume normal first-week parenting. What a worry though - I've never experienced anything like it. Again, the staff on the ward were excellent.

Oof. So that's 1 week down and a further 935 until she comes of age and I can put my feet up. I have the sense we have a hell of a lot to learn in the coming weeks, months and years. Culture shock, doesn't even begin to describe it!!!


Pictures at birth

And 3 makes family... just out of theatre.

Grace Mae - Birth Day

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Baby Grace Mae is born!

At 4pm my little girl was born. Weighing a whopping 9lb 5oz, she was determined to exercise her squatters rights, and after 34 hours of non-progressive labour was evicted by the surgeon via caesarian section. A beautiful healthy Grace Mae is already feeding well and Mum is recovering slowly but surely - indeed I feel almost human again after a 5 hour sleep fest last night. Matt the Husband and I are both somewhat awed by our new arrival and are taking baby steps at becoming parents to a creature with 2 legs instead of 4. We're doing ok, we think!?!

Piccies to follow once we unearth the data cable from underneath a weeks worth of laundry and dust. Ah the joys of things to come...

Friday, 13 August 2010

Lucky for some?

Friday 13th.

Superstition is a funny thing isn't it? I have no beef with the number 13 - I was married on 13th. But Friday 13th? There's a school of thought both ways - some say it's actually lucky to have a baby on Friday 13th. I'd say it may take a further 18 years for me to make a judgement on that one...

But for now I'm thinking we're naming the baby after my late Granny, she lived at no.13. And, Matt the Husbands grandfather was born on 13th August.

Will today be the day??

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Birth Announcement for Team King!

(photo courtesy of AK).

Big big congratulations to my cousin Christina and her family! Wednesday 4th August saw her go into Chesterfield Hospital for an elective caesarian section, and at 4.22pm, a baby boy, Dimitris Colin King was born weighing a whopping 9lbs 9oz. Mother and baby doing well, proud husband and father patiently waiting with excited big sister Evangelia to bring Dimitris home.

Little Langers due today??


I'm 40 weeks today and yet little Langers seems exceptionally comfy in her private 5* suite (all you can eat and with blackout blinds). Half the day has gone, and not even so much of a twinge. She and I will be having serious words when she arrives - it would appear she is breaking the family tradition of being on time for everything and this seemingly lackadaisical attitude to birthing on time is just not cricket. With less than 12 hours left for today, I am doubtful she is making an appearance today, and as such will be late for her first ever appointment. GGRRRRRR.