Friday, 15 August 2014

Buzzy Boo turns 4

I'd love to have time to sit and write a post like I did in the good old days but Grace doesn't nap any more and time is a precious commodity. What I have got time for is cherishing every moment I can with her as life is short and you never know what's around the corner. She brings joy to my day in a way nobody else can. Happy 4th birthday Grace! 

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Ready for school

I am royally frazzled. I have shopped. I have dropped. I'm sat here drowning actually in a sea of shopping bags brimming with Teflon technology school gear designed to survive even the most rambunctious of kids new to school. Grace has gained uniform enough to kit out her own private army, I have lost the will to live. Not only am I out of pocket but my nose is out of joint. It is Grace who happens across her first crush in the shopping centre and stops us mid-shop for a quick chat and kiss. Iggle Piggle. She gets the clothes AND the man, while I get a dent in my wallet and a pile if clothes to keep straight and launder.
I want to be 3 again.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Holding my hands up here and confessing I trotted round YSP without paying much attention to the whys and how's of the sculpted impression, I did nonetheless have a pretty good time. Grace certainly enjoyed she sheer size and scale of the exhibits...

...and we even happened across a depiction of Elsa's ice palace in Frozen...  

Gracie's favourite by far was this...

...which we thought looked a bit like Nemo...

After soaking up the rays and wearing little legs out we took time out at this depiction of Buddha.

Great day out followed by yoga at home, Graces latest craze...

Night all!

Sunday, 12 January 2014