Life has been busy here in the Big Mother House this week!
We've had a lovely visit from Nanny and Grandad from Norfolk. We've been to our first Naming Ceremony for cousins Eleanor and Isobel (now 6 months), where Grace got the chance to meet the extended family. Grace has had a cuddle with Grandma Mary and Great Grandma Fran.
AND we even found time to visit MPS to say hi, and see how they're getting on without me. (Fine, I might add!)
To boot I have been to the doctors not once, but 3 times for 3 different things, all of which are draining me. Matt the Husband has been fabulous and has even worked out how to use the oven for the first time since we moved in. God love him.
Story time with Nanny and Grandad
We've re-integrated Daisy-woof to the house (and she is now sleeping on the landing which is a HUGE step for her... and me!) She was rewarded by an energetic spin around Temple Newsam this morning to mark her grown-up-ness. (Our next step is to move her into her own bedroom, but we haven't told her that yet... baby steps and all).
D-W chuffed to be home (albeit on lead)
Milestones this week for the nipper:
1) Grace's cord fell off
2) Grace can lift her head up when she's laying on her belly, and turn it the other way (although this bit was only once!)
3) She has outgrown her first outfit
4) She has regained her birth weight, and is now back up to her 9lb 5oz
5) Grace has opened her first fixed-term savings bond and has earned 11p interest on it already!
Grace fretting over margins and KPI's at MPS
Other things to note - I'm pro breastfeeding, but for a plethora of reasons we're now on formula. This is galling, and comes laced with guilt on my part too. Nevertheless, Grace seems happier on the artificial feed, and as a consequence Mum is happier. (Or it might be vice versa, but I've not the energy to get into the chicken and the egg debate now). On making the decision, an interesting article I found can be read at:
Only a few pics on here, so by all means click on the link to our flickr page in the sidebar to see more photos from week 2!
TTFN x x