Grace and I ventured out with the buggy on our own this week to the Childrens Centre in the village. We met other new Mums and their babies, and I hope over time we will make some friends. While we were there Maggie our health visitor weighed Grace and we're proud that she is clearly thriving - having gained a further 11oz this week. No wonder her clothes are getting snug! It felt good to get out for some chat and fresh air and I kick myself that we haven't made the effort to get out more. Still, only 2 weeks until I get my wheels again so we can get out onto familiar turf.
A downside to this healthy growth Grace is experiencing is waste - we're already accumulating a pile of clothes she has outgrown which is such a pity as many of them she has worn only once. In addition to this we've just been to Mothercare to return items she has outgrown that she hasn't even had the pleasure of wearing. We are very lucky to have so much choice of wardrobe for her - I am positively green with envy. My post-natal wardrobe is restricted to comfy trackies and maternity jeans as my incision site is still tender. I'm looking forward to the green light from the doctor at my 6 week check so I can get back into some form of exercise again. Not long now!
We've been lucky to be blessed with visitors to keep us occupied while I am still confined to the village. Kevin my old boss, Wendy our friend & dog advisor (!), and Christina my bump buddy who came for lunch with her little boy Dimitris (now 5 weeks) and Auntie Mina. Daisy-woof also had visitors this week (bless her) by the Scanlons who brought Val's puppy Nig over for a run around in the garden. Is it wrong to say i felt broody for another puppy?!
Grace [burping] with Auntie Christina
Grace is still enjoying her fame and we're getting more confident with day to day life and the trials it brings. I confess I am still very much in the adjustment phase, reluctant to let go of my old ways to make the transition to being a new Mum. But we're making progress and we're slowly getting to grips with 'letting go' - taking things day by day and trying not to beat myself up over the small stuff. I have always been guilty of sweating the small stuff.
Grace showing off her head control!
Grace has been a big girl this week - experiencing her first manicure (she enjoyed it, I was petrified), and learning to bat her eyelashes that have sprouted in a matter of days. She is now showing greater strength in control of her head, which she frequently holds clear of the floor when she lays on her front. And she has also managed to roll from her front onto her back for the first time this week. We're very proud!
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